In an always-on culture, there’s no denying self-care is of critical importance, but separating the necessary from the marketing noise can be challenging. So, when we want to go beyond the hype to the source of true wellness and healing, there’s one place we always turn: our bathrooms. It’s here where our self-love rituals take place, where we set aside precious time just for us, to reclaim our rest—it all starts with the space around us.
One person who recognizes the inherent connection between beauty and design, is Jenna Lyons, co-founder, and CEO of the beauty brand, LoveSeen. In her SoHo loft, she created a veritable sanctuary to retreat to (aka self-care central) surrounded by her favorite things—Calacatta viola marble fused with unlacquered metals, of course—talk about swoon! Lyons’ bathroom embraces that perfectly imperfect aesthetic she’s known for—a reflection of her approach to fashion, beauty, design, and life, too.
As she told Athena in Live Beautiful;
“I’ve never felt comfortable looking perfect or being perfect; my taste is weird, and I couldn’t make a perfect room if I tried.”
Read on to learn more about Lyons’ rule-breaking style and how her design process informs her approach to beauty and self-care, and vice versa.