Living Entertaining:

A Kiss From Kelly!

Photography by Emily Knecht

This swooner was recently swooned to the max, by the queen of design chic: the one and only Kelly Wearstler. Getting an invitation into the impeccably appointed and layered home of this awe-inspiring woman was humbling, exciting, and downright FUN.

It was an eye-swooning version of a child’s Christmas morning. As my eyes fell upon design details in every corner, I experienced delicious visual overload—and yet I wanted more.

Kelly introduced me to her line of home and bar accessories, an extension of her overall aesthetic and brand, with a refined palette of black, white, brass, and marble, with gemstone details and a touch of playful whimsy. She has made basic, often mundane bar essentials into something entirely artful. From Kelly’s green marble-clad home bar, we created Cointreau’s refreshing classic lime rickey cocktail—and she shared the inspiration behind some of her favorite bar pieces.

I love to understand other people’s creative processes, and what unexpected sparks lead to their finished product. As we created the refreshing summer cocktail of cucumbers and mint I asked about 200 questions, all of which Kelly graciously answered for me (and you!).

Kelly’s design mission: to make a space clever and beautiful without sacrificing functionality. “Chic bar accessories make entertaining in style effortless.” For example, “adding a bejeweled bottle opener to the setup instantly elevates any spread.” The Liaison Collection, which includes objects adorned with bronze lips, are a favorite. “Everyone needs a kiss!” she says. Kelly and I are both inspired by artists who transform everyday objects into works of art and I’d argue she is one of those artists!

Kelly’s multitasking mastery ranges from hotel renovation to furniture design, jewelry and home accessories, all in a single day’s work. Talking design and style with her, and hearing about work in her office, where a cross-pollination of design disciplines are born—architecture informs jewelry design, a metal patina or vintage pendant spawns furniture hardware—I was inspired all over again.

Once comfortably down the rabbit hole of design, we realized we share another uniting factor: being grounded by family. We transitioned seamlessly into the joys of being mamas to fun-loving surfing boys. Kelly had me contemplating the call to all things California, with her invitation back to her Malibu abode with my boy. YES PLEASE!

Dive further into Kelly’s World on her swoon-worthy Instagram feed! and hop on over to to swoon further with me & Kelly.

Kelly Wearstler


The Wearstler aesthetic… raw ad refined, always something old and something new, something feminine mixed with something masculine, the juxtaposition of opposites and taking risks.

Source of inspiration… museums, my children, travel… inspiration is everywhere. I carry my camera and sketchbook with me everywhere. I am constantly documenting inspiration on the go… I am such a curious gal. My son’s surf camp was a huge source of inspiration for my summer collection. That soulful California vibe, the numbers and lingo. Even down to the naming the collection, the lingo is entrenched in Malibu surf culture.

The play of opposition at the Avalon… I love playing up tension between opposites – raw and refined, feminine and masculine, old and new, high and low. The Avalon has that classic West Coast vibe that draws from cool, crisp, hues and key vintage pieces. I wanted to capture the laid back easy elegance of Los Angeles, California-chic is spirited and soulful, with a dose of glamour and always a clever nod to nature.

5 things you couldn’t live without… family, my camera, yoga, my rescue pups Rigby and Willie, color!

Favorite project… I am often asked if I have a favorite project and it is truly impossible to choose. Each project has such a distinctive voice. My clients are so dynamic, informed and creative… I will say the projects where the clients are the most involved always turn out to be the most rewarding. Viceroy Anguilla stands out because of the sheer scope of the project. It was a 35-acre property with 166 rooms, suites, private villas and residences. It took over 5 years to complete.


Always stocked in your fridge?

An organic soda or sparkling water for the boys. In the summer, a nice rose is always lovely. Fresh fruit and produce from the farmers market. Local ingredients make all the difference. The flavor is just incredible.

A coffee table book anyone who loves design should own?

So many! It’s tough for me to choose a favorite. I collect vintage and contemporary titles. My library at home has over 2,000 books. The Well Lived Life is beautifully put together…

Favorite LA restaurants or cafes?

Urth Cafe – I stop in every morning after my workout for an organic latte. They have the most delicious expresso. Fico – the only place in LA I will eat pizza! It is that good. They have a thin crust whole wheat pizza with ton of fresh vegetables. We go there once a week as a family.

A perfect night out is…

Dinner and a concert with my husband and two boys. We love to go to the Greek Theatre in the summer.

Morning routine? Coffee? Tea? Juice? Workout?

I try to exercise every day. I just feel more energized and focused when I make it to a class. During the week my days start with a 5:30am Barry’s Boot Camp class followed by an organic double dry nonfat macchiato. Then I drive my boys to school and head to the studio or client meetings. For lunch everyday I have a fresh vegetable juice from erewhon with apple, spinach, kale, ginger, lemon E3 live and beet juice. I sip alkaline water with lemon and cayenne extract throughout the day as well.

Cucumber Mint Rickey

The Cointreau Bar


  • 2 oz Cointreau
  • 1 oz Fresh lime juice (1 lime squeezed)
  • 4 oz club soda
  • 2 cucumber wheels
  • 3-4 mint leaves

The Prep

Muddle the cucumber and mint in the bottom of a glass. Add Cointreau and lime juice with ice and top with club soda. Stir briefly. Garnish with a cucmber wheel.

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