Food The Tastemakers:

Pregnancy Cravings with The Moment

Photography + video by Julie Florio

Cravings can be all-consuming. I don’t know about you, but when I begin to imagine a swooned-about meal, my belly growls, my mouth begins to salivate, and my brain fixates. My thoughts are persistent and focused. I always tease Jivan about how when he sets his mind to something, good, bad, or indifferent, it is as though he is a racehorse with blinders on. Well, I wonder where he gets that from!

These urges feel primal – and they tend to get magnified by 100,000 percent when we are pregnant. My own pregnancy was 15 years back – I was almost like a prehistoric dinosaur at that moment, it feels like such lifetimes ago! But, my dear friend Laney Crowell of The Moment brought my pregnant self back into focus recently, sending me on a trip down memory lane.

Laney is preggers, and she asked me about the one meal that remained at the forefront of my pregnant mind throughout those nine months. Without having to think twice, I blurted out SCRAMBLED EGGS AND HAM! Morning, noon, and night, I ate scrambled eggs and ham, and when I went into labor, guess what my last meal was before leaving for the birthing center?? Victor can likely make this dish with his eyes closed. He made it soooooo often during that time, and that says a lot, because Victor does not cook, ever. This is the one meal he just might make better than I do. I mean, not really…but you get the point.

So back to those uncanny similarities between mother and child. Can you now guess what Jivan’s favorite breakfast food is? Oh yes, EGGS, HAM, and since I am raising this little food-swooner-in-the-making, HERBS. I love that he contributes the herb bit, since let’s be frank, the eggs just look so much prettier with a dusting of roughly chopped greens. The visuals only intensify the signals in my brain, furthering the whole craving thing. I mean, this idea of aesthetics heightening our experience is the cornerstone of EyeSwoon and my upcoming cookbook. Maybe I need to thank my son for the inspiration!

So, here it is – my talks with Laney about cravings, plus the meal the Calderone family eats just about every Sunday for breakfast, with blinders on.

[Cravings] feel primal – and they tend to get magnified by 100,000 percent when we are pregnant.

Scrambled Eggs with Crème Fraîche and Herbs

EyeSwoon Kitchen


Serves 2

  • 5 large free range eggs
  • 1 heaping tablespoon crème fraîche
  • ¼ cup fresh roughly chopped herbs (mix of parsley and tarragon)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • Flaky sea salt
  • Fresh cracked pepper
  • Toasted bread with olive oil
  • ¼ lb. thinly sliced prosciutto

The Prep

  1. In a medium-size bowl, crack the eggs. Add a dollop of crème fraîche and a pinch of sea salt and fresh black pepper. Beat vigorously with a whisk or fork. Heat a medium-size non-stick pan over low heat and add the butter until it is melted and frothy. Slowly pour your eggs into the pan and use a spatula to continuously pull the mixture from the edges of the pan. Your eggs are done when they are loose, silky, and still a tad runny. They will continue to cook on the stove, so remove them from the heat immediately.
  2. Divide the scrambled eggs into two plates and sprinkle with herbs, flaky seas salt, and freshly cracked course pepper. Serve with golden toast and a few slices of prosciutto.
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