Because really, why not? From the laundry room to your kitchen shelves, and even the tiny parlor bathroom, every single surface, object, and wall of your home should feel special. Of course, it does take a little reimagining but where there’s a will there’s a way—and in our minds, even the most functional items should be worthy of display. From vintage ceramic vessels that double as utensil holders in the kitchen to marble toilet brush holders that put the pretty in practical, we’re on a mission to make the mundane meaningful with our series, The BASICS. Beauty with utility? Yes, please! Up next, nursery décor to create a beautiful space for your growing aesthetes.
The Essentials:
Nursery Décor to Create a Beautiful Space for Your Growing Aesthetes
Words by Sacha Strebe. Curation by Jordana Mostel.
If there’s one rule we encourage at EyeSwoon HQ, it’s to play. Don’t be afraid to experiment, to test new methods, and re-interpret your design point of view. Yes, there’s always trepidation when venturing into the unknown, but getting lost in that visual exploration is also very freeing. The nursery is one space where frivolity is a prerequisite. The décor and design here almost necessitate maximalism, saturated hues, enchanting patterns, touchable texture, and eye-catching shapes to entertain and delight your growing aesthete.
If you’re looking to create a showstopping but stylish room to raise your little ones, then keep scrolling for our extensive curation of nursery décor.